Wangda Zhu

Wangda Zhu

PhD, Researcher

With experience in leading tech companies and academia with interdisciplinary teams, blending research, user experience, computer engineering, and design skills to create app and device interactions that are desirable and make people happy.


Google via Signature
UX Researcher
Google via Signature
May 2022 – December 2022

Responsibilities include:

  • Designed and led 7 lab and field studies on key features of wearable and hearable devices (e.g. algorithm, wearing comfort) to help stakeholders determine the product direction.
  • Planned the roadmap with a series of studies on watch form design guidelines to inform next generation product engineering and design.
UX Researcher Intern
July 2021 – September 2021

Responsibilities include:

  • Created & analyzed a competitive comparison experiment (n = 4k+) on price to help leaders determine the price strategy.•Created & analyzed a competitive comparison experiment (n = 4k+) on price to help leaders determine the price strategy.
  • Created & analyzed a NPS survey (n = 3k+) to inform product and business teams.


DEA1500 Community
Project website: This study investigates how to refine Social Media Tools (SNTs) and guidelines based on feedback from 126 students in a environmental psychology course in a university to improve their learning community engagement.
Usability Study Lab
Project website: Usability Study Lab is a Web App which is developed to meet the widely needs of multiple robust and rapid usability studies. Main features include data processing, summary statistics, and statistical inference.
Building Ecological Momentary Assessment
Project website: Occupant survey is an essential method in post-occupancy evaluation (POE) to understand occupants’ satisfaction and attitudes toward built environments and the relationship between occupants’ experience and environmental features.
NPS Survey
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is extensively adopted by many products as a key indicator of consumers’ experiences and loyalty measured by a single question. One biggest challenge of this approach is the lack of ability to identify driving factors behind customers’ responses to the single question.
Instagram Learning Community
The Introduction to Environmental Psychology course was taught online due to the COVID-19 lockdown. Students from different locations took two lectures each week over eight weeks through ZOOM. To foster an inclusive learning community, we created a photo-sharing community through Instagram in which all participants could share photos of their surrounding environments and comment on the photos using environmental psychology knowledge they learned in weekly lectures.
Inform Urban Design
Street quality is critical to urban sustainability. Well-designed streets encourage walking behaviour and attract public activities, thus advancing the sustainability of a city as a whole. Currently, most quantificational analyses of street quality are based on two dimensional maps, using network algorithms and economic theories to calculate accessibility and land value or to account for a series of elements such as number of trees and number of courtyards in order to audit quality scores.
Hilton Hackathon
1st Place Challenge for Hilton Hospitality Hackathon Team: Wangda Zhu; Waishan Qiu; Jeffrey Neo; Amanda Tang In a 2 days competition, We designed a system of an interaction nightlight showing the amount of the energy used in the room and an app indicating more detailed information to promote resident’s sustainability awareness living in Hilton Hotel.
Interactive Curtains
1st Prize of 2018 Explorative Environments Student Design Competition Design: Wangda Zhu; Yixiao Wang; Yuhan Hu; Anqin Zhu; Research: Wangda Zhu; Yixiao Wang; Carlos Aguiar; Terry Vallery We created an interaction gallery installation consisting three movable curtains and chances for manipulation of the space via touch sensors.
Design Portfolios
This is the selected work from my design portfolio when I was learning Architecture and Industrial Design in my undergraduate school including: animal shelter design squre design wood museum design generative design
